On 05/11/2012 10:47 AM, Chad Perrin wrote:
Is there something else I should try to find in the index or table of
contents that would be in the third edition but not the fourth?  Can you
give me some examples of the sorts of things you'd expect to find in the
table of contents that is lacking in the fourth edition but present in
the third?

So far I think I found a few that may make a difference. According to the "table of contents" in the 4th edition in the chapter called "Booting and shuting down it only shows entries for: red hat, HP-UX, AIX, SUSE,Ubuntu. However in the third edition, show entries for FreeBSD's Booting and shuting down process. And another example is in the 4th edition the chapter called "Adding new users", only mentions how to add users for: SUSE, Redhat Solaris HP-UX and AIX. However in the 3rd edition, explains how to add users on FreeBSD and how FreeBSD's master.passwd file, login.conf. work,etc The third edition's chapter called "Drivers and the kernel" shows how to build a freebsd kernel, create a BSD config file, tuning the freebsd kernel, add freebsd device drivers,etc. I was not able to find those entries in the the 4th editions "Drivers and the kernel. chapter. the 3rd editions TCP/IP chapter shows network config for freebsd. However in the table of contents of the 4th edition does not. I'm searching for a website that contains the 3rd edition table of contents so one can compare between
    the  two editions for better judgement.
unfortunate, those were a few examples i have time to point out. I think may make a great difference.

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