> >I use mutt with an imap server.  I've tied macros to specific keys
> >that save messages to INBOX.trash, which effectively deletes them
> >from
> >the current folder.  I go to the .trash folder and use 'D' to clean
> >it
> >out on a regular basis, sometimes finding one or two that I didn't
> >want to delete.  It requires folder hooks to change the underlying
> >behavior for the 'd', '^d' and 'D' keys based on the current folder,
> >but it works like a charm.
> >
> >The mutt site documents how to do most of this, but if you like, I
> >can
> >dig up my macros for you.
> >
> >HTH
> >Lou
> >  
> >
> Lou,
> I think I got it covered.  My new solution seems to work.  Thanks
> though!
> -Matt

Maybe I can offer another way to do it. I use courier-imap as imap
server. It offers a configuration variable called
IMAP_MOVE_EXPUNGE_TO_TRASH. As the name implies, mails that are deleted
from non-trash folders (deleting = deleting + expunging) are moved to
the trash folder. In combination with IMAP_EMPTYTRASH=Trash:7, which
removes mails from the trash folder after 7 days, this solution is
comfortable, as long as the mail client has support for
deleting/expunging in one step (I use sylpheed with X, which does this
well, and mutt does it well enough too. I have not used evolution).
Basically I don't use the classical IMAP way of deleting mails (just
marking them with the "deleted" flag) at all.

- Benjamin

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