> After few more minutes of thinkings, 'Powered by' is more suitable 
> than 'Designed for'.

Oh, I don't know.   This is an education project.   We might as well
educate some designers too.

> I work as a system administrator.  We have mixture of Linux, Windows, 
> Freebsd(thanks to me) in our server room.  It's pretty sad when I can see the 
> Windows and the Linux (redhat - slackware) logos stuck on the front of the 
> rack servers.
> We show our potential clients to our production server rooms whenever they 
> request for it.  They always ask what those (freebsd) servers are running 
> because there are no logo stickers.  I ended up sticking a white label with 
> black arial font "FreeBSD."  Is this what FreeBSD systems deserve?
> FreeBSDsystems had couple of nice logos on their server packages.  I think 
> that we should set few samples up for the community to use.
> For myself, I want one so I can stick it on my desktop at home so it'll look 
> better to casual computer users and to annoy my wife that my desktop is 
> better than her gentoo desktop.

OK.  So I went and looked for them.   They are from FreeBSD Mall.

Go to:           http://www.freebsdmall.com/cgi-bin/fm

Select 'Promo' and then 'FreeBSD Sticker Sheet'  
They are only $0.50 US each so get a hundred or so.

There are a bunch of other promo items at that site as well.
The 'FreeBSD Plate Logos' are nice to stick on and look more
impressive than a mere sticker.   A FreeBSD beanie is good to
sit on top of your monitor and keep a benevolent eye on you.
And, of course, FreeBSD boxer shorts are a real turn on for 
your significant other.


> Chris
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