Hello and Good Day to all,
I could not remember when this problem appeared but I have tried to post
2 to 3 emails to the FreeBSD ML (ACPI, questions...) some months
ago...and every time I get the same messages from my sendmail (I think).
But since I only use mutt for sending emails to the FreeBSD ML...I
thought I should wait and maybe the same problem would come out from the
list (maybe it did and I was just practicing mutt and somehow I deleted
those emails)...
But I do not have problems sending Emails to anywhere if I use Evolution
or Thunderbird and using an SMTP Server settings (my ISP's) for sending
Now, that I have come to appreciate mutt...I would like to use it from
time to time especially when posting Emails to the FreeBSD lists...
But this warning messages only comes out when I send Emails to the
>From what I can understand since I am not an expert this is just a
guess...The FreeBSD ML mail servers could not verify that the Emails
that I sent are from a valid list subscriber (something like an
anti-spam function) because I have not configured correctly my sendmail
settings (guess)...
Am I right? and if I am, can anyone show me or give me some advice on
how to configure my sendmail that I can use mutt and sendmail to
directly send Emails to the list...Please.
If I am wrong, then can anyone...give me a simple explanation (simple
please - I know that I am asking too much, but I can assure you that I
have already bookmarked the sendmail Website and sendmail batbook is
already in my list of books that I am planning to purchase...not yet
I am using 5.3 Stable in my IBM Laptop and a newly assembled Desktop
also 5.3 Stable...My Internet connection is to an ADSL Modem (dynamic IP
but have not changed since a year and a half ago)...
Below are the usual warning message that I get:

>    **********************************************
>    **      THIS IS A WARNING MESSAGE ONLY      **
>    **********************************************
>The original message was received at Mon, 10 Jan 2005 23:30:20 GMT
>from localhost []
>   ----- Transcript of session follows -----
>... while talking to mx1.freebsd.org.:
>>>> DATA
><<< 450 <r40e.point.ne.jp>: Helo command rejected: Host not found
><freebsd-questions@freebsd.org>... Deferred: 450 <r40e.point.ne.jp>:
>Helo command rejected: Host not found
><<< 554 Error: no valid recipients
>Warning: message still undelivered after 4 hours
>Will keep trying until message is 5 days old

Thank you in advance and hoping for any response...


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