Thank you for the immediate response

On Mon, 2005-01-10 at 18:56 -0500, Chuck Swiger wrote:
> Srot BULL wrote:
> [ ... ]
> > By the way, since this is my first try in Internet Connection
> > Sharing...I am not that sure with my cable connections...
> > My internal LAN Card "bge0" is connected to my ADSL Modem while my other
> > externel USB LAN Card "aue0" is connected to my switching hub...and the
> > other PC that I have is also connected to the hub...Is this O.K.?
> Your aDSL provider may not be giving you direct IP connectivity, but instead 
> require you to configure PPPoE access via a username/password.
My connection is simple, I just connect my ethernet cable to my aDSL
broadband modem and then dhcp-client gets the necessary information for
my system to connect to the internet...I think my username/password is
already in my aDSL modem...
Well, does this mean that I will not be able to share my internet
connection at home?...not a big problem though but it hurts!...I can
still just remove and insert the LAN cable to which PC I want to use and
get connected immediately...I only wanted to learn how to configure how
to share internet connection in LAN...and of course brag to my
girlfriend that my FreeBSD is simple and powerful than her MS
Maybe I should be consulting my ISP for this one?  Pay some bucks for
internet connection sharing?
By the way, is my system clock wrong or yours?
Once again thank you for the response and hope for other
assistance/information in the future...


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