Hello list,

I have to admit that, despite many years of experience using FreeBSD, I am completely lost. I've looked for all the how-to documents, and general documentation I can, and I don't find it a whole lot of help. Here's what I've got going, and what I hope to achieve.

First off, I have a running sendmail server with qpopper. Sendmail is configured for authentication, and it all uses the system user/pass database. I don't currently have SSL/TLS installed, but I've done it before, and it's not a huge concern right now.

What I need is a slightly different setup for my users. As I mentioned in an earlier email, I want to install an IMAP server. From what I've gleaned from various sources, I need to change from mbox format to maildir. Is this correct? Also, I've come to the understanding that IMAP uses a totally different internal MTA, and thus a different user database?

Can someone point me in the right direction? I've kinda got courier-imap installed from ports, but I can't log in. First off, how can I configure courier-imap to use the system accounts? If I can get this, I can probably work through the SSL/TLS for IMAP, amongst other things.

Does anyone have a similar setup they can share their experiences about?


Eric F Crist                  "I am so smart, S.M.R.T!"
Secure Computing Networks              -Homer J Simpson

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