On Tue, Feb 08, 2005 at 02:17:56PM +0100, Erik Norgaard wrote:
> John wrote:
> > OK - I've finally come to the realization (a little slow, I know)
> > that a 5.8Gb disk drive is just not enough to support a desktop
> > environment (including JAVA) for both Windows XP and FreeBSD on my
> > laptop. :(
> > 
> > I have used dump(8) to dump out my filesystems.  I am wondering
> > if I can just use "dd" to dump out all of /dev/ad0s1 also,
> > and then use "dd" to put it back again when I'm done.  Then
> > I'd boot the installation CD into "fixit" mode, build a new
> > MBR, make sure that the new s1 was the same or very slightly larger
> > than the old s1, and use dd to put it back again.  Can anyone
> > speak to either the "doomed to failure" or "I've done this and
> > it works" scenarios?
> Not doomed, but don't expect to read data on other than FBSD systems. 
> This is described in the handbook under using removable media (CD/DVD) 
> for backups.

Oh, yeah, actually, that's no problem.  The "media" are files on an
NFS share...

I'll use FreeBSD booted from the CD to put it back.

John Lind
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