Tomas Quintero wrote:
> I'm glad this has to deal with FreeBSD related question. Thank you for
> expanding the minds of those subscribed to this mailing list with your
> intricate question outlining in the most detail the problem you're
> having with your specific task.
> You're either a dumbass, or a 12 year old. I prefer to choose the
> latter and hope for the best in your growth and development.
> Many Thanks,
> Tomas
> On Fri, 25 Mar 2005 16:22:45 -0500, [EMAIL PROTECTED] <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> wrote:
>>There are 2 kinds of people in America, Jerry. The Rich
>>and those who complain about the Rich. The difference
>>here as opposed to some other countries  is that which
>>group you belong to is a personal choice. I respect your
>>choice. You seem very happy in your ignorance of virtually
>>every subject.
>>You "taking a shot" at me is about as entertaining as
>>it gets, Jerry. It really, really is.
>>-----Original Message-----
>>From: Jerry McAllister <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>>Q: Why are FreeBSD users like Liberals?
>>>A: They panic and start to call you names when you tell them the
>>Last I knew that was a technique most perfected by the right wing
>>especially when they begin noticing that reality does not correspond
>>to their need to support sagging egos.
>>Sorry about clogging the bandwidth.   Could resist taking a shot at
>>a troll.

Yanno - as odd as this seems, and as of late - this list seems to be
resembling those Linux lists I used to be on some time ago.

There seems to be lots of finger pointing, name calling, and in general
- a total break down of common decency to our fellow user.

Now I do understand that we'll get a troublesome user from time to time,
but must we really sink to the depths of that user to prove a point?

If we're to prove a point to those that name call, are rude, troll, and
all the other recent events, we must do so on our level. Allow them to
spew what ever it is they spew, and we must simply either ignore it (the
correct way imho) Kill em with kindness, OR, reply in such a fashion
that the user has no idea what we're saying.

Let's stop the erosion of this list now before it goes too far.

Over and out...

Best regards,

Opportunity always knocks at the least opportune
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