On Wed, Jul 14, 2010 at 09:18:21PM +0200, Henrik /KaarPoSoft wrote:
> On Tue, Jul 13, 2010 at 10:10:25PM +0200, Henrik /KaarPoSoft wrote:
> >>I have a problem: ldapsearch results in "Segmentation fault" under
> >>openldap-2.4.23 with cyrus-sasl-2.1.23.
> >>[...]
> Jeremy Chadwick wrote:
> >If I was to build a test box from scratch, can you tell me how to set up
> >all the necessary software/etc. to mimic your environment so that I
> >could try to reproduce this?  Reviewing the source isn't enough, I'd
> >have to actually build a debug version of libgssapi to track it down.
> Jeremy, I would really appreciate your going through this!
> Thank you very much in advance.
> Here is what I did:
> [...]

Before I get started, I should note that the system I'm testing on was
built with the following two features in src.conf and make.conf;
the lesser is for world, the lesser for world, respectively.

/etc/src.conf:  DEBUG_FLAGS=-g3 -ggdb
/etc/make.conf: CFLAGS+=-g3 -ggdb

> [...]

I did not create a CA + self-signed SSL cert at this point, I save that
for later (see bottom), where I've also run into a complexity.

> cat > /etc/krb5.conf
> [libdefaults]
> default_realm = EXAMPLE.LAN
> kstash

At this point kstash asked for a "Master Key" and for me to validate it.
I just hit enter at both prompts.  I don't know if that's correct (I'm
not familiar with Kerberos administration).

> kadmin -l
> kadmin> init EXAMPLE.LAN

At this point I was prompted for "Realm max ticket life" and "Realm max
renewable ticket life".  I chose the defaults of unlimited.

> kadmin> add TestOne

At this point I was prompted for numerous parameters (max ticket life,
max renewable life, principle expiration time, password expiration time,
attributes, and a password + verification).  I hit enter at all the

> kadmin> list "*"

For me, this returned:


> cd /usr/ports/security/cyrus-sasl2
> make config
> [X] Berkeley DB
> [X] /dev/urandom
> make
> make install

During the configure stage a warning caught my eye:

checking for crypt in -lcrypt... yes
configure: WARNING: The system type is not recognized. If you believe that 
CyberSafe GSSAPI works on this platform, please update the configure script
checking gssapi.h usability... yes
checking gssapi.h presence... yes
checking for gssapi.h... yes
checking for res_search in -lresolv... no
checking for gss_unwrap in -lgssapi... yes
checking GSSAPI... with implementation heimdal
checking for res_search in -lresolv... (cached) no
checking for gsskrb5_register_acceptor_identity... no
checking to use mutexes aroung GSS calls... no

Just noting that here for posterity.  It may be safe.  I simply don't

> cd /usr/ports/net/openldap24-sasl-client
> make
> make install

At this point I was prompted for OPTIONS, and SASL (for "Cyrus SASL 2
Support") was not checked, so I checked it.  This seems strange; a port
called "sasl-client" asking me if I want SASL support?  Seems like that
should be implied given the port name -- could be a stub port issue.  I
just hope I chose the right option.

> cd /usr/ports/net/openldap24-server
> make config
> [x] SASL
> make

At this point OPTIONS already had SASL checked, so I went with that.  I
also kept the default options, which were all unchecked except the

I should point out that this port pulled in db46-, while the
security/cyrus-sasl2 port pulled in db41-4.1.25_4.  I don't think this
will be a problem since I don't see any SleepyCat/Oracle DB calls in the
stack trace.  Just noting it here for posterity.

Next, during the configure phase (since we're discussing cyrus-sasl2), I
saw this:

checking sasl/sasl.h usability... yes
checking sasl/sasl.h presence... yes
checking for sasl/sasl.h... yes
checking sasl.h usability... no
checking sasl.h presence... no
checking for sasl.h... no
checking for sasl_client_init in -lsasl2... yes
checking Cyrus SASL library version... yes
checking for sasl_version... yes
checking fetch(3) library... yes
checking for crypt... no
checking for crypt in -lcrypt... yes

I also did "make install" after "make".

> cat >> /etc/rc.conf
> slapd_enable="YES"
> slapd_flags="-h ldaps:///"
> touch /var/db/openldap-data/DB_CONFIG
> srv02# diff /usr/local/etc/openldap/slapd.conf.ORIG 
> /usr/local/etc/openldap/slapd.conf

This is where things got a little wild (I hate contextual diffs).  I
added the following lines to slapd.conf before the "BDB database
definitions" section:


#=# Shemas we need
include /usr/local/etc/openldap/schema/cosine.schema
include /usr/local/etc/openldap/schema/nis.schema
include /usr/local/etc/openldap/schema/inetorgperson.schema

#=# Logging
loglevel stats stats2 shell parse ACL config filter BER conns

#=# GSSAPI mapping
#=# http://www.openldap.org/doc/admin24/sasl.html#GSSAPI
#=# http://www.openldap.org/doc/admin24/sasl.html#Mapping Authentication 


#=# LDAP over TSL (SSL)
#=# http://www.openldap.org/doc/admin24/tls.html

security ssf=128
TLSCertificateFile    /etc/certs/new.crt
TLSCertificateKeyFile /etc/certs/myca.key
TLSCACertificateFile  /etc/certs/new.crt

Note that my TLS* lines are changed.  See bottom of the mail.

Then I modified the following already-existing lines to contain the
following (which should match your diff):

suffix          "dc=example,dc=lan"
rootdn          "uid=LDAProot,cn=example.lan,cn=gssapi,cn=auth"

Finally, I commented out the "rootpw secret" line.

> [...]
> cat >> /usr/local/etc/openldap/ldap.conf
> base dc=example,dc=lan
> uri ldaps://ldap.example.lan/
> tls_cacert /etc/exampleCA/cacert.pem

I modified tls_cacert above in my configuration to look like this (keep

tls_cacert /etc/certs/myca.key

At this point your steps end, so I took an educated guess.  Note that
I'm familiar with creating SSL certificates + requests, but getting them
signed by a CA is something I usually rely upon a public CA for, not
creating my own CA and self-signing my certs, so I may have gotten
something wrong here.  I followed this:

What's confusing here is that your configuration refers to 4 separate


The FreeBSD documentation, for self-signed certs, only refers to two
(new.crt and myca.key).

I made the assumption that in this test setup I'm working with, I
actually want to do the following:

# mkdir /etc/certs
# cd /etc/certs
# openssl dsaparam -rand -genkey -out myRSA.key 1024
# openssl gendsa -des3 -out myca.key myRSA.key
[...entered in a 4 character PEM key of "abcd"...]
# openssl req -new -x509 -days 365 -key myca.key -out new.crt
Common Name (eg, YOUR name) []:ldap.example.lan

# /usr/local/etc/rc.d/slapd start
Starting slapd.
/usr/local/etc/rc.d/slapd: WARNING: failed to start slapd

syslog shows this is the error:

Jul 15 08:08:47 testbox slapd[61084]: @(#) $OpenLDAP: slapd 2.4.23 (Jul 15 2010 
07:31:07) $     
Jul 15 08:08:48 testbox slapd[61084]: line 65 (authz-regexp)
Jul 15 08:08:48 testbox slapd[61084]: /usr/local/etc/openldap/slapd.conf: line 
65: keyword <authz-regexp> missing <regexp> <DN> argument

If you'd rather set all of this stuff up yourself (vs. me fiddling
around with it, since I really don't know how to configure all of this),
I can provide you root-level SSH access to the testbox and can let you
build + configure everything yourself.  Just let me know.

| Jeremy Chadwick                                   j...@parodius.com |
| Parodius Networking                       http://www.parodius.com/ |
| UNIX Systems Administrator                  Mountain View, CA, USA |
| Making life hard for others since 1977.              PGP: 4BD6C0CB |

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