Bas Smeelen wrote:
> On 03/02/2012 07:42 PM, H wrote:
>> Doug Barton wrote:
>>> ... and here is the crux of the problem. The vast majority of our
>>> developers don't use FreeBSD as their regular workstation. So it has
>>> increasingly become an OS where changes are being lobbed over the wall
>>> by developers who don't run systems that those changes affect. That's
>>> no way to run a railroad. Doug
>> wow
>> since it is not April 1st it must be revelation's day ...:)
>> is this then the bottomline ?
>> if [ $using_ports=YES ]; get_screwed($big_time); fi
> Hey people
> There are still a lot of us which might not be smart enough or lack
> the resources to help you debug issues but we still use and depend on
> FreeBSD, and we test, and hopefully give you some debugging hints
> I have some production servers running on STABLE  and even some on
> CURRENT to stress our developers, but most run RELEASE and use
> freebsd-update
> Keep up the good work, it makes me a more confident sysadmin
> Ports is the best thing happening to me after going through al the apt
> and other stuff

you talk like the wind blows my friend ...

remembering  your own most recent words in another occasion  what
certainly do not match your last sentence ...

>/ On Mon, Jan 30, 2012 at 3:58 PM, Bas Smeelen <b.smeelen at 
><>> wrote:
/>/ > On Mon, 30 Jan 2012 12:52:07 -0500
/>/ > David Jackson <djackson452 at 
<>> wrote:
/>/ >  
/>/ > > I have tried endlessly to no avail to upgrade binary the packages
/>/ > > on Freebsd to the latest version. I have tried:
/>/ > >
>/ > >
/>/ > > All fail miserably and totally and have left the system in an
/>/ > > unuseable state.  
/>/ >
/>/ I wish to use binary packages and I specifically do not want to
/>/ compile anything, it tends to take far too long to compile programs
/>/ and would rather install some packages and have it all work right
/>/ away. Binary packages are a big time saver and are more efficient. It
/>/ should be easy for FreeBSD to make it easy to install the most recent
/>/ versions of all binary packages, its beyond belief they cannot pull
/>/ off such a simple ans straight forward, and basic part of any OS.  /


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