
first of all: thanx for writing svnup! I installed it from ports and 
this is just way better than the situation before!

On Wed, Mar 13, 2013 at 09:11:28PM -0500, John Mehr wrote:
> I always thought csup did delete files.  I was looking at 
> csup's man page for things to put on the to-do list and 
> there's a csup command line parameter ( -d ) that puts a 
> limit on the number of files that can be deleted in a 
> given run.  Adding this feature is already on my to-do 
> list, and I've just added another item to let the user 
> choose whether svnup should delete extra files in the 
> local source tree.

While I find it OK to delete old files from the source tree, in some 
directories this is a bit disturbing, namely when it comes to deleting 
my kernel config files. So an option to exclude certrain directories (or 
a config file for that) would be great. A default config should then 
include /usr/src/sys/*/conf for exclusion from the delete-policy or it 
should simply not delete files, that svn-wise have never been there.


| Oliver Brandmueller          http://sysadm.in/         o...@sysadm.in |
|                        Ich bin das Internet. Sowahr ich Gott helfe. |
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