On Tue, Jan 16, 2007 at 07:37:22PM +0100, Torfinn Ingolfsen wrote:
> On Tue, 16 Jan 2007 01:06:45 -0800
> Luigi Rizzo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Would it be possible to resurrect the linux-firefox 1.5
> > port (under a separate name) so at least people have a choice
> > on which set of bugs they prefer ?
> What makes native firefox unsuitable for you?

Have not tried recently, i admit, but
the many times i tried (up to a few months ago and with 1.0.5 or
1.0.7) it crashed randomly while browsing, within a few hours of use,
and this was enough for me to give up.

Additionally,  i could not find a way to make the flash plugin
work, which is a major annoyance given the amount of flash content
that one finds in the services i use daily (some work related too).

firefox is not one of the most reliable applications around,
but these days using a browser is a necessary evil for just too many things
(including 'paperwork' that you have to do for your job, bank,
bills and so on).

It is already enough of a pain to do this as a non-Explorer user;
i don't want  also the impairment of a crippled firefox!

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