> Note that NTP does not use TCP, but UDP.  Are you sure that
> your filter rules are OK?  It's certainly possible to have
> a bug in the rule set so it forwards NTP replies for the
> internal clients, but doesn't allow them to reach the ntpd
> running on the machine itself.

Yes, I discovered the UDPness of it last night and went
through the rules again. I am pretty sure they are correct (or
at least I cannot see anything wrong). I would assume that ntpdate
also uses UDP - and using that I can see all these servers ?

> Another question:  Do you have a dynamically assigned IP
> address?  In that case ntpd needs to be restarted when a
> new address is assigned, because ntpd has the unfortunate
> habit to bind to all addresses that exist at the time it
> is started.

No, everything is static. It has to be some error in my PF config
file somewhere I guess, just hard to work out where.

> I'm running ntpd on a NAT gateway myself (RELENG_6), and
> there are no problems at all.

yes, I too am doing this on a machine elsewhere, which is why this is
so frustrating! I know it works, I even have it working on a different
network, and it particlaly works here too (it can see one NTP machine on
the far side NAT, just none further away). I will continue looking


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