On Tue, 4 Dec 2007, Krassimir Slavchev wrote:

Evidence in-hand seems to suggest that 8 core systems work very well for most users, and reflect a significant performance increase with 7.0 over previous FreeBSD releases.

I disagree with that. Heavily loaded Apache, MySQL, Postgres does not work well.

There is another report for such problems:


A casual reading suggests that this article is about FreeBSD 6.2, and not FreeBSD 7.0. Am I misreading?

No, But these tests can be performed on FreeBSD 7.0 4/8 core systems.

These are precisely the sorts of tests we have been running. You can read a bit about the test in Kris's BSDCon.tr presentation:


We can't promise improvement on every workload, but we have seen real improvements on a great many workloads. I don't think anyone would argue that there isn't more work to be done, but at some point you have to stabilize and cut a release so that people can use something in the mean time. Releasing a perfect operating system in ten years helps no one. :-) The real issue at hand is whether we've hit a critical problem that justifies delaying the release in order to refine, test, and merge a change of a critical locking primitive in the kernel. Changing locking primitives, as I mentioned in an earlier post, is a risky thing: after all, it intentionally changes the timing for critical kernel data structures in the file system code. I've given Stephan, the author of the patch, a ping to ask him about this, but late in a release cycle, conservativism is the watch-word.

Robert N M Watson
Computer Laboratory
University of Cambridge
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