Robert Watson wrote:

> Changing
> locking primitives, as I mentioned in an earlier post, is a risky thing:
> after all, it intentionally changes the timing for critical kernel data
> structures in the file system code.  I've given Stephan, the author of
> the patch, a ping to ask him about this, but late in a release cycle,
> conservativism is the watch-word.

Agreed, but it would be a shame to miss on the momentum 7.0 has acquired
 for performance. Web servers are so common that there's a huge chance
one of the first thing people will do with 7.0 would be some kind of
web-benchmarks, especially after this thread on [EMAIL PROTECTED] Though (as I
read the thread) the patch won't bring FreeBSD in line with Linux, it
will help it not to be so slow it's silly.

Re: timings: Would looking at past instances give insight into future? I
don't remember the time accurately, but in the past, when VFS was
translated to MPSAFE and the locking reengineered, were there such problems?

Maybe Peter Holm can run a week or so of constant stress testing
(24-hours-a-day) with the patch to verify it at least in short term?

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