
> [ .. stuff deleted .. ]

> > I have recompiled the kernel with ULE, and it seems fine as well.  I
> > ran 160 iterations of a 300MB file and there was no corruption.  Same
> > process - copy a junk random file over nfs mount, unmount the nfs
> > mount, remount it copy it back, compare the files.
> Let me summarise my investigations till now :
> [ .. more stuff deleted .. ]
> - it does *not* seem to depend on :
>    - the interface : I could produce it using nfe0, nfe1 and 
>      re0 using some netgear pci-card
>    - the distribution of the 4Gig memory : installing 4G at 
>      CPU1 or 1G at CPU1 and 2G at CPU2 produces same results
>      (NB, all memory passed memtest.iso in both situtations
>       for complete run)
>    - the frequency control method : easier to produce with
>      cpufreq/powerd, but finally I can reproduce the cooruption
>      as well using acpi_ppc
>    - the nfs-client and options (not exhaustively tested, but different
>      test include i386-releng6, amd64-releng6 and linux, and quite
>      a set of different try and see mounf_nfs options
> I am testing right now with a fixed frequency of 1Ghz.

I cannot reproduce it at fixed cpu-frequency with cpufreq loaded (I
ran my test for three days without prob, normally a couple of hours
was enough).

But I looked again at the corrupted copies :

# for i in raid5/xps/SAVE/1 raid5/pxe/SAVE/1 raid5/pxe/SAVE/2 raid5/pxe/SAVE/3 
raid5/blockhead/SAVE/1 scsi/pxe/SAVE/1 scsi/blockhead/SAVE/1
 scsi/blockhead/SAVE/2 scsi/blockhead/SAVE/3 scsi/blockhead/SAVE/4; do
  ls -l $i/BIG;   cmp -x $i/BIG $i/BIG2;   echo; done

-rw-r--r--  1 root  wheel  144703488 Apr 26 16:06 raid5/xps/SAVE/1/BIG
004fd908 18 00
02c9e6c8 11 00
034ab6c8 90 00
037e4648 09 00
039e85c8 91 01
04484408 00 09
06115cc8 00 81
06e5d148 01 91
07016048 18 00
074307c8 08 19
07aa45c8 29 20
080bfb88 00 11

-rw-r--r--  1 root  wheel  144703488 Apr 20 14:07 raid5/pxe/SAVE/1/BIG
03869a48 09 00

-rw-r--r--  1 root  wheel  144703488 Apr 20 14:47 raid5/pxe/SAVE/2/BIG
05209d88 09 00

-rw-r--r--  1 root  wheel  39845888 Apr 20 15:17 raid5/pxe/SAVE/3/BIG
01777148 09 00

-rw-r--r--  1 root  wheel  144703488 Apr 20 14:54 raid5/blockhead/SAVE/1/BIG
00f10f88 09 00

-rw-r--r--  1 root  wheel  39845888 Apr 20 16:08 scsi/pxe/SAVE/1/BIG
01f4c4c8 11 00

-rw-r--r--  1 root  wheel  144703488 Apr 20 15:38 scsi/blockhead/SAVE/1/BIG
06c3d6c8 11 00

-rw-r--r--  1 root  wheel  144703488 Apr 20 16:11 scsi/blockhead/SAVE/2/BIG
0725ca48 18 00

-rw-r--r--  1 root  wheel  144703488 Apr 20 17:32 scsi/blockhead/SAVE/3/BIG
01608008 09 00

-rw-r--r--  1 root  wheel  144703488 Apr 23 19:26 scsi/blockhead/SAVE/4/BIG
00f3b888 18 00

The output from raid5/xps/SAVE/1/BIG is after installing at a lab with
without doubt more sophisticated switches than I use and the first I was
able to produce with more that just one byte corrupted, but still with
the same pattern :

it looks like the position always is 2^3 * 'somethin without power of two'

(e.g. factor(hex2dec('00f10f88')) =  2  2  2  809  2441

      factor(hex2dec('01f4c4c8')) =  2  2  2  317  12941 )

and the corruption is one out of the following half-byte transitions :

1 -> 0
8 -> 0
9 -> 0
0 -> 1
0 -> 8
0 -> 9
8 -> 9

Maybe this gives a hint to someone ... 

Best, Arno

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