At Mon, 5 Nov 2007 19:20:59 +0900,
Takeshi Hamabuchi wrote:
> 一つ一つ自分でもしらべているつもりですが。。


% make search key="<keyword>" | grep 3D

                                  The FreeBSD Ports Collection (cad) (p1 of 5)
                     The FreeBSD Ports Collection ("cad")                      

   You are now in the directory "cad".

   This is the one-line description for this category:

   CAD tools

   Here are the one-line descriptions for each items in this directory:

CalculiX-1.4_1: A Three-Dimensional Structural Finite Element Program
admesh-0.95: Program for processing STL triangulated solid meshes
alliance-5.0.20050217: A complete set of CAD tools and libraries for VLSI desig
astk-client- Graphical interface for Code_Aster (client side)

P.S. スレッドの切り方もよく分らない者ですので、参考になるかどうかは分
                        /  Name : Dobashi Mitsuyoshi  /
                       / E-mail : 
[&#x30E1;&#x30FC;&#x30EB;&#x30A2;&#x30C9;&#x30EC;&#x30B9;&#x4FDD;&#x8B77;] /

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