<URL: http://bugs.freeciv.org/Ticket/Display.html?id=39722 >

Castanier Carl wrote:
> ho, sorry was a pepeto comment :) you can't read them :)
> Anyway, I can't talk about it since I can't read any tickets and I can't see
> what I wrote.
Ah, another child.  There are at least 3 ways to read the reports.  And of
course, surely you saved your own email on your own computer.

> yep, but options must be tested in configure.ac  :))
Our configure.ac does not have -O2 by default.

> You need to put -02 option explicitly by CFLAGS.
We already warned you not to do this.  There's an old saying,

   "If it hurts when you do that -- stop doing it."

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