Follow-up Comment #12, bug #15092 (project freeciv):

The bonus for trade routes spanning different empires has always been there,
and for a good reason: if both cities belong to you, each city gets half the
revenue, but the empire gets it twice. So, yes, if you lose a city, the trade
for the remaining city will double (but you will lose all the trade from the

The bonus for different continents has also been there forever, and it
reflects the added difficulty of having to carry the caravan overseas. It
does have an historical analogy: think the Silk Route or the gold trade with
America. Trade with other continents brings more valuable stuff and traders
get richer.

As for the factor of 6 vs. 8, we should really do some simulations and choose
whatever is closer to 2.1. Do you really ever get 5 revenue on the same island
in 2.1, even in large islands? I'm afraid that, as game progresses, and trade
routes span really large distances, we will have absurdly large revenues if
the division factor is too low.

I would start with 8 in beta 3, and perhaps try 6 in beta 4, then take a
final decision before release. This will give my empire a much-needed
economic boost in its war against cheating AIs :-).


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