Follow-up Comment #10, bug #15603 (project freeciv):

After reading around about Gtk memory/reference management (e.g. here
<>) and experimenting, I convinced
myself that I was indeed leaking one GtkTooltips every time the city report
was closed and reopened. New patch attached which fixes that.

(I think the same problem applies to some other uses of GtkTooltips on S2_2;
however, two of them (create_option_dialog(),
create_settable_options_dialog()) no longer exist on trunk (presumably due to
options unification?), and the other is chatline_init() which is only ever
called once at client start, so hardly important.)

(file #8633)

Additional Item Attachment:

File name: S2_1-S2_2-trunk-cityrep-tooltips-bis.diff Size:2 KB


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