Follow-up Comment #7, bug #16863 (project freeciv):

> Say you have a warrior A (1/3 movement points), a warrior B (3/3
> movement points) and a horsemen (6/3 movement points) on a
> single tile. Then you only need to compute the goto for the
> warrior A (to get the maximum number of turns) and horsemen
> (minimum number of turns).

That won't fit the ruleset definitions. The cost of a path can differ among
the unit type and class, and also the move left at a particular place. As the
cost to move to a tile it ruleset related, and can differ because of the
terrain, it is impossible to know what is the fastest unit.

Anyway, to send the path to the server, the client must calculate the path at
one moment for the warrior B, so it's doesn't make a difference.

> Strictly speaking the path for warrior B might differ from
> those taken by warrior A and the horsemen so maybe it isn't
> worth it. Actualy it might be good for multiple unit gotos to
> take paths so that the least number of units are on any one
> tile at any one time. I.e. if you have 2 path with the same
> cost and 2 units have each unit take one path. But that would
> be a huge change in client and server. Not part of this bug.
> Worth a new bug?

I still don't understand. This is too complicate English for me. I tried to
translate by google, I didn't understand more.


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