Follow-up Comment #7, patch #3325 (project freeciv):

It's WORKING! I just started a game with it. Everything is getting read in
correctly and effects are getting matched against everything. There is still
some general weirdness (bonus to tiles shows up in the output but not in
display and units can't get built unless you use the 'show future options')
but I can get that figured out later. For now, I am just happy that it seems
nothing else is broke.

for reference, the .ruleset flags are:
In governments.ruleset
flags = "Foo", "Bar", "Test"
 (no _ as that makes the parser think flags is a gov)

flags = "Liberty", "Freedom", "TV"

in effects.ruleset
"type", "name", "range"
"GovFlag", "Foo", "Player"

in units.ruleset
govflag_req = "TV"


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