Follow-up Comment #7, patch #4392 (project freeciv):

Sorry i'm late to this conversation.

> Civ III has it.

Indeed, that was probably the worst thing about it.  When you suddenly
discovered you couldn't build railroads due to missing iron and/or coal the
only solution was quitting - i tried many times and was never able to trade or
conquer my out of this problem.  Perhaps if new resources would sometimes be
'discovered' during play might ease the pain?  That could reasonably be
accompanied by an occasional known resource being removed due to depletion.

Yes, shared vision would become more complicated.

I'd go along with the notion that a new resource should be visible to all when
it becomes available.  Just because you don't know how to use Uranium doesn't
mean you haven't seen it; you'd still be able to trade it.

I'd also hate to have to re-scout all my territory to find out if  any of
those swamps have coal.


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