The 0.10.6 bugs are coming in, the first of which is bad enough that I
fear 0.10.7 will need to follow shortly.  Fortunately I am on leave
until 20130114 so there should be opportunities.

[BLOCKER] All units disappear in captured colonies.

  Just before release I discovered that we still had instances of the
  annoying bug where the units on a captured colony tile would still
  appear in the active units list.  I committed an `obvious' fix which
  fixed the immediate problem, but overshot badly.  Should have known
  better.  A patch is under test.

[WOULDBENICE] Russian coat production

  The Russian fur trader's house is still producing two coats without
  input or worker.  Most likely this is due to the national advantage,
  but weirdly, the corresponding Swedish advantage is not causing free
  hammer or lumber production (not seeing these was why I thought this
  bug was fixed).


  A while back I changed missionaries to set their location to the
  native settlement they are working in, instead of null.  However
  there is lurking code that still seems to set their location to
  null, which fools Unit.isInMission and causes unexpected NPEs in
  unrelated parts of the AI.  I suspect the offender is in the
  PlayerExploredTile missionary handling, but the changes needed to
  fix that properly are save-format breakers.  svn.10392 contains an
  ugly workaround, and I have another hack in mind, but some testing
  is needed.


  We now allow the active unit to be in Europe / not on the map.  For
  some reason this disables mouse clicks on the map until you do
  something to select another unit.  Easy to work around (just
  wait/skip the ship), but annoying and should not be happening.


  Under map options, immediately clicking on any of the predefined map
  thumbnails does not select it.  You have to open the "Import"
  options first.  Also, when selected correctly, the filename text
  appears greyed out.  I suspect this is because the path to a
  predefined map is considered to be constant and should not be messed
  with, but the greyed out display might mislead users to believe that
  the selection did not work.


  Should the advisor panels be resizeable?  They used to be, but seem
  to be fixed now.  I know Paolo was working on BR#1694733 but that
  refers mainly to smallish dialog boxes.


  Native convert production (BR#3487679) was still failing.  I thought
  this was fixed, but recent play testing cast some doubt.  It turns
  out that the test for a population > 2 was failing, as it only
  considered the native `in' the settlement (of which there usually 2
  with DefendSettlementMissions), and ignored the natives on the
  settlement tile.  An easy fix (add in the tile population) will go
  in soon.  However a deeper bug is that not all natives have valid
  missions, there are natives just hanging around their settlement
  doing nothing (although they do correctly contribute to production).
  If these had WorkInsideSettlementMissions, with the location set to
  the settlement, the current conversion logic would just work as
  intended.  Looks like NativeAIPlayer needs some revision, and
  WorkInsideColonyMission needs to be generalized.

Also on the TODO list is to convert the sourceforge project to their
new format, and to get the git repo online.  Release first however.

Mike Pope

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