Hi all

I still get failures !?

tried with a new checkout, as the code page on sf.net suggests, and with
$ javac -version
javac 1.7.0_75


Z:\freecol-git2>javac -version
javac 1.7.0_71

(on both a windows and linux box)

I get the same error on both boxes:

Compiling 677 source files to Z:\freecol-git2\build
Z:\freecol-git2\src\net\sf\freecol\server\ai\EuropeanAIPlayer.java:913: error: method remove in interface Map<K,V> cannot be applied to given types; if (plan.getTarget() != null) tipMap.remove(plan.getTarget(), plan);
  required: Object
  found: Tile,TileImprovementPlan
  reason: actual and formal argument lists differ in length
  where K,V are type-variables:
    K extends Object declared in interface Map
    V extends Object declared in interface Map
1 error

what am I doing wrong? I've compiled freecol loads of times before...

Den 11-05-2015 kl. 09:26 skrev Jonas Stumph Stevnsvig:
thanks mike. I'll try that tonight.

Med venlig hilsen / With regards

Jonas Stumph Stevnsvig

Mobil: +45 61 70 75 07
Email: jonas.stu...@stevnsvig.com
WWW: http://jonas.stevnsvig.com

Den 11. maj 2015, Michael T. Pope <mp...@computer.org> skrev:

On Sun, 10 May 2015 22:36:30 +0200
Jonas Stumph Stevnsvig <jo...@stevnsvig.com <mailto:jo...@stevnsvig.com>> wrote:

    git pull && ant build,

    but i get the following error:
    could one of you clarify whether it's my git going wrong,

Possibly a corrupt download, but the code in the error message is correct. The error message itself is wrong. The signature it lists is indeed right.

    or a current bug,

freecol current git is building fine for me.

    or my build environment being wrong? I am using openJDK

So am I. As were the last five or so FreeCol releases.

Things to try:
1. ant clean ; ant
We get a lot of people having trouble with partial builds. I gave up
years ago and always clean before building.
2. Update your java. I have
(although FreeCol is built in 1.7 mode)
3. Download the entire tree again.

Mike Pope

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