
Javadocs are made by autogenerating them from source codes. Those are
static files and you can find structure on official pages:
and the rest (because java pkg names are transformed into directory
structure in javadocs) should be relatively easy to spider.
It is easy to implement different context on a webserver with some
rewrite rule so changing physical location of files won't be a

A little question: If I remember correctly, original freecol page was
hacked and then it was replaced with static web. You then transformed
it into Joomla, which is IMHO one big security hole. Do not take it as
I'm trying to break&offend, that really isn't my intention - but I'm
curious if this is a new webpage proposal or complete new
implementation already to be deployed. Because webpage maintainer
should be able to patch whole thing due to security fixes. I'm not
speaking for Freecol devs, I'm merely curious. :)


2016-05-29 14:58 GMT+02:00 Bernard toms <bernardtom...@gmail.com>:
> Hello, I think I'm close to finish the new webpage
> I can't include files the following link:
> http://www.freecol.org/javadoc/
> I don't know where are this documents and
> I can't include them on the new webpage if I'm not sure that will be on the
> same url after upload of the new static html files
> Can I include this url and be sure that will be correct? (without including
> javadoc files that I have not access)
> Another Question, I'm doing the new web page with Joomla, and after that, I
> captured into html static files with a spider program.
> When I finished the new design i propose
> Can I send Joomla web and sql to the person who usually maintain the web
> page, to make it easy to maintain? And instructions for capture Joomla into
> html. I think that I can send it with wetransfer or dropbox but I need to
> know...
> is there  real interest to create contents with Joomla and after capture
> into static html?
> How I can share/send it my joomla and intructions?
> Sorry for my little english again
> I hope I made myself clear
> Bernat
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