
No I'm not offended jjeejee XD
My goal is not to put a new Joomla in production
I only use Joomla as a platform to generate content before I generate a
pure html files website
and after I get this static html files, put it in production

Because my English its too little I will  try to explain by steps
What I done
1- I done in my PC a local Joomla installation with the old contents but
with new a design

2- I captured (the local renewed web) the entire site and transformed into
.html static

3.- If everybody likes, we can put this static html css and images
into production server replacing the current

Since that point I suppose that I can explained myself correctly (if google
translator don't fail me) :)

What else...

I think that is easiest to add content with a CMS (like Joomla for example)
And after this opinion I think... (and if the web maintainer like and makes
his work easiest)

What If the web maintainer have a copy of my local Joomla in his PC and
repeat steps 4 5 and 6 when he add new content?

4- The web maintainer add new content on the administration of Joomla on
his local PC webserver
5.- The web maintainer  capture the html with the spider
6.-then web maintainer, can upload static html to the production web server

local webserver, can be, wamp xampp, mamp or a virtual machine with ubuntu
(with virual box), all this otpions are free

Thanks, and if the web maintainer like, tell me how I can send, Joomla and

(I need a little more time to clean css styles and a few things, like
broken urls, and find that every image is public domain. I just can give
this project a few hours on Sundays That is why I'm slow But I try to give
any free time and I'm try to make a decent web too)

El lunes, 30 de mayo de 2016, Petr Fišer <pries...@gmail.com> escribió:

> Hi,
> Javadocs are made by autogenerating them from source codes. Those are
> static files and you can find structure on official pages:
> http://docs.oracle.com/javase/7/docs/technotes/tools/solaris/javadoc.html#generatedfiles
> and the rest (because java pkg names are transformed into directory
> structure in javadocs) should be relatively easy to spider.
> It is easy to implement different context on a webserver with some
> rewrite rule so changing physical location of files won't be a
> showstopper.
> A little question: If I remember correctly, original freecol page was
> hacked and then it was replaced with static web. You then transformed
> it into Joomla, which is IMHO one big security hole. Do not take it as
> I'm trying to break&offend, that really isn't my intention - but I'm
> curious if this is a new webpage proposal or complete new
> implementation already to be deployed. Because webpage maintainer
> should be able to patch whole thing due to security fixes. I'm not
> speaking for Freecol devs, I'm merely curious. :)
> Regards,
> Fiisch
> 2016-05-29 14:58 GMT+02:00 Bernard toms <bernardtom...@gmail.com
> <javascript:;>>:
> > Hello, I think I'm close to finish the new webpage
> >
> > I can't include files the following link:
> > http://www.freecol.org/javadoc/
> >
> > I don't know where are this documents and
> > I can't include them on the new webpage if I'm not sure that will be on
> the
> > same url after upload of the new static html files
> >
> > Can I include this url and be sure that will be correct? (without
> including
> > javadoc files that I have not access)
> >
> > Another Question, I'm doing the new web page with Joomla, and after
> that, I
> > captured into html static files with a spider program.
> > When I finished the new design i propose
> > Can I send Joomla web and sql to the person who usually maintain the web
> > page, to make it easy to maintain? And instructions for capture Joomla
> into
> > html. I think that I can send it with wetransfer or dropbox but I need to
> > know...
> > is there  real interest to create contents with Joomla and after capture
> > into static html?
> > How I can share/send it my joomla and intructions?
> >
> > Sorry for my little english again
> > I hope I made myself clear
> > Bernat
> >
> >
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