On Sun, 30 May 2021 08:46:33 +0200
win...@genial.ms wrote:
> I just found out while trying to trigger a new nightly release
> that there are major changes between Github and travis-ci.org
> and when clicking the build button on https://github.com/FreeCol/freecol
> there is a warning they shut down travis-ci.org and want people to
> sign up for travis-ci.com .
> Additionally, I found this blog post:
> https://blog.travis-ci.com/2021-02-22-switch
> It seems it already stopped working between 2021-04-04 and 2021-04-18,
> as Mike had triggered a nightly release on that day and it did not build.
> Atm, I'm not sure how we should fix this?

Likewise.  Who does?
> As I'm a bit out of the loop, I'm not sure which issues are still blocking
> a real release on SF?

The performance bug is still lurking and I have made no progress there
lately.  The trade route panel is borken and proving annoying, I have had
three goes at fixing it but last time I concluded that the whole
drag-and-drop system needed work:-(.  However, it might well be
time to do 0.12.0-alpha1.

Mike Pope

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