On Wed, 22 Dec 2021 17:53:59 +0100 (CET)
Stefan Fellner <stefan.fell...@tutanota.com> wrote:
> > I think that might be overkill.  I might be misunderstanding here.  What
> > is currently wrong?
> >
> Col1 (v3) would grant you the 11x11 sight radius for all colonies, also newly 
> founded, also your own colonies. Also with the ability seeAllColonies this is 
> not what Coronado would grant you in freecol (at least not in my tests).

Did you test classic or freecol rules?  classic has a hack to reveal the
full 11x11, as required for Col1 compatibility. freecol-rules does
not.  I do not remember what I did at the time, but judging by
reaction on PF83 I probably decided it was excessive for freecol.  Is the
classic-rules hack not working?

FreeCol (the program, not the ruleset:-) (should) distinguish visibility
from exploration.  Exploration just reveals the terrain and improvements.
Visibility is exploration plus units.  Here is what I think we have ATM:

- 11x11 exploration for all colonies when Coronado joins
- ongoing 5x5 visibility of your own colonies only

- 5x5 exploration for all colonies when Coronado joins
- ongoing 5x5 visibility of all colonies (provided by seeAllColonies)

So if I understand aright, the problem is that classic-rules should
also provide 11x11 exploration for new colonies?

If so, IMHO the best way to do this is in the update sent to
players from the build-colony code.

Mike Pope

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