Stian, et. al.,

The GitHub mirror was originally configured to be an automatic process. I
believe it was a Travis CI hook, but at any rate when changes were made to
the SF repository, the CI hook ran and pushed to GH.

AFAIK, the nightly releases were also automated, probably through the same
hook to Travis CI. At any rate, the CI was no longer free (due to plan
changes) and quit working. Who ever set up this stuff was no longer active
with the project and nobody noticed that was active since most of the stuff
was done on SF. I finally removed the .yml files when I noticed that while
GH attempted to run the script, it always failed due to no longer being a
free service.

Right now, I have created the "nightly" releases manually using *ant dist*.
I then make sure GH is mirroring SF (manually). I create a pre-release tag
with the results from *ant dist* and publish it. I then post on the
Facebook and Discord groups (thanks Blake) that a new release is available
on GH. I try to keep a handle on major fixed bugs since last nightly and
add a note in the release notes.

One issue with the process is it isn't consistently timed as I have to
physically perform each part of the process. I also cannot generate the
MacOS installer.

I don't mind doing so, as the more people are playing this version the
fewer are playing 0.11.6. This leads to more relevant bug reports, such as
the multiplayer one.


Caleb Williams
Freecol-developers mailing list

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