> [Caleb:]
> The GitHub mirror was originally configured to be an automatic process. I 
> believe
> it was a Travis CI hook, but at any rate when changes were made to the SF 
> repository,
> the CI hook ran and pushed to GH.

We can do this directly from SourceForge.net using a Git server hook. There is 
no need for Travis.

> AFAIK, the nightly releases were also automated, probably through the same 
> hook to Travis
> CI. At any rate, the CI was no longer free (due to plan changes) and quit 
> working.

We can use GitHub Actions for making these builds. Github Actions is free for 
public repositories.

> One issue with the process is it isn't consistently timed as I have to 
> physically perform each part
> of the process. I also cannot generate the MacOS installer.

The Mac bundle can be created using GitHub Actions. We can also automatically 
both build and publish nightly builds. Release notes can be automatically 
generated using commit messages (although such a commit log might not be user 
friendly). It's apparently even possible to automatically post messages to 
Discord and Facebook -- although I have not tried that before.

Best wishes,
Stian Grenborgen

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