At 07:34 PM 3/10/2004 -0300, Alain wrote:
>>>>EMM386 will only allocate VCPI memory from the EMS memory pool.  Making it 
>>automatically use the XMS memory pool would require backdoor interaction
>>>>with HIMEM[64] and generally make things quite a bit more complex.
>>>>Of course, a DOS extender/extended program can still use XMS in addition to VCPI 
>>>>and many of them do.
>>>I can see aproblem here (or I can have missunderstood): IMHO what will be used a 
>>>lot is UMB+VCPI without EMS. The reason for this configuration is whe 1) UMBPCI 
>>>does not work (new hw), 2) no need for EMS (few programs use it) 3) free as much as 
>>>possible Low-Memory
>>>for comon programs (EMS takes 64k of UMB)(very often needed). Will this 
>>>configuration work??
>>Depends.  Some extenders have absolutely no problem allocating from XMS if no VCPI 
>>memory available.
>For what I learned here, if the machine is not in real mode, which is needed to get 
>UMB, then VCPI is needed. am I wrong?

No, it's not necessary.  UMB's are mapped at startup by the EMM.  VCPI is simply an 
interface (the 'I' part of the acronym) with EMM386 to make it, among other things, do 
what you want from V86, aka virtual 8086, mode.  V86 is what DOS runs at under EMM386 
rather than real mode.  The EM monitor itself substantially runs in protected mode.

>> Unfortunately, DOS/4GW, now crowned That Annoying Extender Which Grossly 
>> Misbehaves, doesn't like current EMM386 NOEMS. I'm still trying to sort that out 
>> and am not sure whether it's due to no memory in VCPI pool, missing EMS page frame, 
>> or something else.  NOEMS is pretty badly broken in the EMM386 version out there 
>> anyway, but I've fixed it up some for next patch release.  Now NOEMS allocates up 
>> to 192K for UMB's and VCPI internal table use, which typically leaves at least 32K 
>> for a VCPI pool, more if you have fewer UMB's.
>What is himem+emm386 footprint in memor(low+umb)?

Don't know.  HIMEM conventional memory footprint is low, around 3K(?) someone said a 
while back.  EMM386 is growing and definitely higher than that, although most internal 
tables and structures are in high memory outside of pure DOS.  I did misstate how the 
NOEMS allocation for UMB's works.  Under NOEMS EMM386 allocates enough for the current 
UMB's, plus 32K for VCPI, meaning lower UMB's allocations won't increase the minimum 
VCPI pool size.  Right now, EMM386 shuts off VCPI if there isn't a minimum 32K for 
VCPI after UMB allocation, but I'm probably going to change that since some programs 
will work with a zero-sized VCPI pool.  I think.

>PS What program are usint to write you messages? my Thunderbird is behaving strangely 
>in the answer screen and I have to break lines manually.

I'm using Eudora Pro, plain text, to stop Eric from griping in his enthusiastic role 
as HTML policeman.  Hard line breaks in regular text are generally frowned upon in 
messaging per ancient Usenet rules et al, so I don't use them.  A  few million people 
on the Internet like to gripe about hard line breaks.  And then there's top-posting, 
which I still sometimes do and refuse to stop.  And cap rules.  And style rules.  
Matter of fact, you'd almost think most people out there in the world like to gripe.  
Not me, of course, although naturally I offer many unsolicited suggestions and 
opinions purely for the benefit of others.

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