For translating, I added some localization to the bootdisk and I have
a german translation, but nothing else.

> In crynwr is the PCNTPK.COM driver, which works for VMware and for which
> I've sent PCISLEEP output to you. However, not included, I noticed.

There is an option in crynwr.bat which says to load a VMWare
compatible packet driver.  Use this.

> '1' though it's a fresh ISO. Maybe add the release date to the initial
> bootscreen?

I thought I changed this, but I'll look again

> Language selection has no timer expiring. Then the word '(default'
> [without closing hook by the way] has no use.

Good point

> UDMA2 on bootdisk part is at 2.4 while 2.5 has been released a while.

I'll update this.

> Eric's CPULEVEL program keeps looping if I select to install FreeDOS.
> Strange.

I'll check this out.  Maybe I'll release an update soon if I figure
out what's happening.

> if things then go wrong, I can't see what's going on as you're jumping
> back to the initial screen/menu right away.
> maybe something like this might be usefull:
> if "%debug%"=="1" pause

Good idea.  I hate not being able to see errors myself

> MENU and HELP are batchfiles instead of ALIAS commands?
> latest FreeCOM might have support for ALIAS compiled out
> (which is quite annoying, but can't be helped)
Menu must be a batch file, but I was unaware that help was a batch
file.  Menu.bat is located in X:\FDOS\BIN and contains the commands
necessary to easily load programs.

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