
28-Май-2006 16:18 [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Eric Auer) wrote to

EA> I would like to add: Can it write files of 4 GB size or is it,
EA> like the FreeDOS kernel, limited to 2 GB in some aspects?

     No any _applications_ (including shell) under DOS is limited by 2Gb
file size unless there used lseek() - but even in this case there may be
used extended API, like for getting volume sizes more than 4Gb.

EA> Note that FAT32 does not support files larger than 4 GB. It does

     Yes. But there is "network redirectors".

EA> If you ask me, then VFAT also describes extensions like "last access time"
EA> and "creation time" in directory entries. As somebody said earlier,
EA> last access time is a bad idea (has to be updated very often, bad for
EA> performance), but "creation time" would be easy to implement: It can

     I rarely seen its valid content (especially when moving files across
different environments/archies) and seen no usage for these fields at all.
And there is no reason to implement these fields in FreeDOS, because they
are nowhere applicable (through standard API).

>>> >>> 4DOS's disadvantage is that it's HUGE, both in memory usage and disk size.
>> >>     Yes.  :(
EA> I think it is also not very FreeCOM compatible yet  ;-)

     Or vice versa.  :)

PS: Eric, do you seen may letter in freedos-kernel about SET in makefiles?

PPS: I not check kernel 2036 sources (config.c) on your site, but looks like there is problem. Dima reveal, that after country=7,866,country.sys FreeDOS silently returns 7,437 and presents wrong (non-866) conversion tables (whereas 866 should be selected for "country=7" without additional classifications). This mean, that 2036 edition, which you currently prepare, doesn't includes patch for config.sys from Lucho, which loads country depended tables from external country.sys. What you say?

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