> fdpkg requires c:\FDOS?

No, just a %DOSDIR% variable pointing to it.
Simply use SET DOSDIR=... to set it.

> perhaps fdpkg could be modified to use a database
> to store where the packages are came from etc.

The LSM files and FDUPDATE work well enough imho ;-)

It also has a structure of one directory per package
to store more data, but I suggest to change that in
the future to support also one filename plus several
file name extensions per package, so all those extra
data files could be put into the same directory.

For sources, I do not think much metadata has to be
stored by FDPKG. This is similar to what for example
RPM does as well... After all, sources do not run,
they just sit around in your filesystem for you to
look at or to compile :-).


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