> I agree, the FreeDOS installer is currently a bit annoying, you must
> click and wait a dozens of time. Would be better first to choose all
> packets or to click just go ahead and install everything without bugging
> around.
> -mr

Part that I hated most was that I had to keep clicking.

Yes I would have liked to select all (tree view) then walk away.

Not being able to choose where the applications went was something
else I didn't like either.
I used to organize all the "system" files in a system directory. and
the apps in an app directory under C: instead of under the system
C:\FDOS "all the command programs here
C:\Apps "all the applications under here grouped in directories like
"games", develop, utility etc.

Lastly the installer insisted on trying to setup networking even when
I have no network card in this laptop. Lots of errors and extra enter
keys. I have seen code out there that does hardware detection in dos.

Saying that the installer worked and everything got onto my system. So
I am not bad mouthing the work that was done.  :)


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