
Politics of any sort are this way. It is always extremes that shout
the loudest. In my opinion is aways in the middle the answer always is
in the middle, the middle rarely if ever has an advocate. :P

I like open source and free software. More the spirit of the law
though then the law itself. I feel code should be shared so things
become standard. So much effort is repeated from developer to
developer. If the license  provides for that it is good enough for me.
The minor differences are merely semantics to me.

As for which Assembly Compiler I will use, I probably end up using
which ever is the official one, its easier to follow in the beginning
than trying to rock the boat.

Besides at this point I am more interested in programming and being
part of the project than arguing with people.

As for decompiled source, I don't mind reading books. If the book was
published and the code writer didn't file a lawsuit then its like they
gave their permission.

But I wont decompile or look at code someone else stole.
The person that fences stolen property is as guilty as thief.

That being said I rarely have looked at code I didn't think I could
write better (even my own LOL).  We can do it better. Passion vs
paycheck. :)

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