On Sat, 23 Jan 2016, Eric Auer wrote:

> What are the ins and outs of Bruce C? Any pointers to an
> earlier DOS thread about it? Have not seen it in the LSM
> software list on freedos.org as far as I remember?

I think it's a simple, pre-ANSI, small-model only compiler?

> Actually I did mean PC DOS, it shipped with REXX, unless
> I confused that bundling with OS/2. It is alledgedly a
> stronger language than BAT and 4DOS. May be nice to have.

I *think* PC DOS at least 7.x has REXX?

> Well maybe it would also be nice to have some BASH, such
> as the DJGPP one - both shell and script language... :-)

There's the ksh in Gnuish, but it's not technically open source because 
"can't be used commercially"...


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