Excerpt from Rugxulo:

> > Well maybe it would also be nice to have some BASH, such
> > as the DJGPP one - both shell and script language... :-)

> Nah. Their Bash is ancient (2.05b), not well-supported by anyone
> anymore. Most DJGPP stuff mandatorily has to be cross-compiled
> anyways, for various reasons.

I just checked in NetBSD pkgsrc and FreeBSD ports, bash is at v4.3.

If DJGPP stuff has to be cross-compiled, what OS would it be cross-compilable 
from, and with what tools?

Can FreeDOS base OS and added software be cross-compiled from Linux, NetBSD or 
FreeBSD, and with what?  There is the added problem that 16-bit would be 
needed, and I believe GCC only compiles for 32- and 64-bit.

I suppose a user of Linux, FreeBSD or NetBSD, or even MS-Windows or Mac OS X, 
could compile, using DOS tools, from DOSBox?

Though DOSBox is not as sturdy as straight native DOS, and FreeDOS 1.1 
installer would not run from DOSBox (I tried); installer insisted on FreeCOM 
command interpreter.

Just for comparison, there are tools by which ReactOS can be cross-compiled 
from (quasi)-Unix, which would include Linux and the BSDs, from what I read on 
ReactOS website (reactos.org).

FreeDOS is supposed to support very old, pre-80386 computers capable of running 
(MS-, DR- or PC-)DOS, hence the need for 16-bit support, but we don't want to 
hold back users of computers with 32-bit or 64-bit CPUs who could better run 

In my case, my main use for FreeDOS would be for things like BIOS/UEFI updates 
and hard-drive diagnostics.  My Ethernet is apparently too recent for any 
packet driver, and from previous posts on FreeDOS lists, my audio (Intel HD 
audio) has no DOS support.


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