Hi Tom, 

> On Dec 28, 2018, at 11:36 AM, Tom Ehlert <t...@drivesnapshot.de> wrote:
> Hi Jerome,
>> We are still hard at work on the upcoming FreeDOS 1.3.
> it would be cool to know who 'we’ is

That is a tricky one.

I guess it all depends on what part of 1.3 is being referenced. 

Obviously, the OS is made up from software from many people 
and their contributions to the OS. Thank you for your personal

The FreeDOS Community providing language translations, testing 
and such things. 

Rugxulo does a lot of software mirroring and some package updates.

Jim does all of the high level stuff. OS goals and included package 
decisions. Things like deciding we will have a LiveCD for 1.3. Going 
over licenses and deciding what stays and what goes. It can be 
tedious and time consuming. 

Me, more package repo updates, installer and assembling the 
install media.  

>> But, I just couldn't help sharing something really cool about the
>> new version. It has a completely new release build process. It can
>> even create stock or custom releases on compatible cloud hosting.
> after watching the video (mostly) I think this build process is
> somewhat over engineered.
> I had expected some smart batches, that do some COPY, XCOPY, ZIP, and
> finally build a .ISO.
> to learn that I need a cloud machine, some linux distro, pearl,
> python, and what not to build a DOS install medium is unexpected.
> if this would be the UBUNTU distribution, fine.
> FreeDOS 1.3, not so much.
> Tom

The build process for 1.2 & 1.3 are / were dynamic. The release is configured 
built based on settings in FDI. Things like OS name, version, packages and such
are configured there and used for creating the release. That requires quite a 
of scripting somewhere. 

Excluding the ISO's, the build process for FreeDOS 1.2 was entirely DOS based.
In fact, some if the media for it includes a batch FDIDEV.BAT. That batch will 
the existing computer or virtual machine into a FreeDOS 1.2 release building
environment that could exactly reproduce the 1.2 release or build a custom 

Since the FreeDOS installer is batch based, 1.2 required some extremely complex 
batch work powered mostly by V8Power Tools. A lot of stuff regarding 
keyboards and packages are processed and converted during the release build. 
could be done on the fly by the batch installer. But, that would have a huge 
impact on
its performance. 

Using smart DOS batch files, from start to finish the Floppy and 2 USB images
would take roughly 2-3 hours to completely build the release. 

Unfortunately, it was a major pain to create the CD images. That step required 
an extra
machine or VM running Linux, some manual juggling, error prone, inflexible and 
annoyed me.

There were also some major limitations with the 1.2 process in regards to the 
USB stick 
images. Using a different size image, let’s say going from a 32mb to a 64mb 
custom LITE 
image was down right cumbersome. 

Also, updating packages for the release was painful. This involved fetching 
them from the 
repo manually. Then, getting them into the correct places in the build 
environment. Then, 
telling the builder to parse there meta-data. 

All of those issue have been solved in the new build process. 

It may be a little over-engineered and could definitely use some streamlining 
in a few areas.
But, it is a completely automated and dynamic release building process. It’s 
also much faster.
The new process takes about 10-15 minutes. 

Basically, these are the improvements the new process provides:

Requires only one local or remote machine running Linux and
an internet connection to fetch packages and installer sources. 
(only OpenSUSE and Fedora supported at present)
Uses the latest repo packages.
Easily change USB stick sizes.
Support for multi-language package meta-data
NO extra steps for CD ISOs
More Developer Friendly Package Lists
Less tedious and mistake prone. 
(Multiple steps eliminated. One command builds an entire release)
A couple more release customization settings
Install media package location validation and adjusting
Easier for a tinkerer to make a custom release
12x faster and more robust
Support to add additional media types or sizes
Some other minor stuff

I think, that overall, the new process is far superior to the previous one. 

However with all of that being said, I thought that using FreeDOS to build a 
FreeDOS release
in 1.2 was really cool. As far as I could tell, except for one person, nobody 
had any interest
or used that ability. But, I thought it was awesome. Perhaps, I’ll resurrect 
that ability in the


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