Hi Rugxulo (and Jim!)

>> https://sourceforge.net/p/freedos/svn/HEAD/tree/kernel/ ...

> AFAIK, the maintainer is Jeremy Davis, ...
> https://github.com/PerditionC/fdkernel

I hope there is sufficient advertisement of the github link, Jim?

>>> Is kernel development officially dead? How about freecom?
>> not officially. just as a matter of fact.
> It can ... be restarted if anyone is interested in doing the work

That is exactly the reasoning which does not work. Basically
Jeremy and maybe 1 or 2 others tinker away on github, Stas
and some others tinker away on dosemu2 and the fdpp "kernel"
in Linux space, making the same observation as me that the
kernel mailing list ist dead and nobody comments bug reports
so they conclude that FreeDOS is dead and their team neither
has motivation nor time to backport many fixes to FreeDOS.

Who knows what Jeremy is up to on the FreeDOS side, but he
apparently ALSO thinks that nobody else cares. Which means
nobody can look in his head and there can be no inspiring
discussions about his work or, you never know, about OTHER
people contributing some thoughts or even code... I do miss
the times when such discussions were alive, although there
must be far less than 1000 kernel code lines modified by me.

Now if you ask me what can we do to regain inspiration:

Well the seemingly obvious "test and improve stuff using
dosemu2" does not work: For anything broken in FreeDOS,
they have patches in fdpp and simply recommend to NOT use
classic native FreeDOS in dosemu2 because it is too old
and stuck with too many bugs. But for anything improved
in fdpp, you have to dig though 100s of patches because
fdpp is a constantly moving entity with little grouping
of changes by which, whether and why might be of backport
value for classic FreeDOS.

It is a bit like back in 2004 when Tom had his own fork
of FreeDOS 2035c with 3000 lines of changelog summaries
and even more code changes to look through and cherry
pick for merging back to the main branch. But this was
so long ago that I may totally misremember the context.

In any case, I vaguely remember large forks happening
before, but the distance between fdpp and classic must
be huge by now. Just saying "whatever, fdpp probably
is cool and porting it back to run on hardware instead
of dosemu2 must be easier than cherry picking all the
goodies back into the classic kernel" reminds me of yet
another problem:

This very thread suggests that most newer versions of
FreeCOM broke other stuff when adding LFN support for
long file names the user base apparently split into
those taking the risk and others preferring crash free
DOS life. Neither of the groups being large enough to
support maintenance of either of the branches with the
necessary testing, feedback, maybe code reviews etc.

I am sure Tom will remind me that my worries are just
idle ponderings and I should rather code something,
but that, too, worries me! Because we would end up
with the occasional DOS person coding something alone
for a while and then letting the code pick up dust
again until then next person feels lucky. While it
could be better than nobody coding at all, it does
not feel like a sensible solution to the structural
problem to me. Not that I would know one, alas...

So, what to do? Some type of feature freeze? Maybe a
roadmap of what stuff we want to port from fdpp to
FreeDOS, or how to get fdpp to run on hardware? For
that one would have to know which stuff fdpp improved
but even that information is spread over zillions of
interdependent patches of all sizes and hard to grasp.

Maybe some of you have shorter and more productive
ideas to what can be done here. I would be glad :-)

Regards, Eric

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