> On Oct 27, 2020, at 6:38 PM, zz zz <flame...@gmx.com> wrote:
> [...]

> -- The installation process: I believe could be improved by having an 
> "Advanced" tab where one could check and ideally select the target and source 
> drives. One of the reasons I postponed trying FD out was that my old box 
> doesn't have a CD drive (and I prefer not to have to burn them and have them 
> lying around) and there was some uncertainty/trial and error into doing the 
> "same hd" installation, the instructions were kinda hidden, I believe in the 
> readme and not widely available (site? wiki? don't remember) and the FD 
> installer is quite particular about installing itself on the C: drive, active 
> partition, AND first IDE port even (in case you have more than one with hds 
> plugged in).. perhaps a closer integration with fdisk could ease this process?

The Installer already has an advanced mode. That allows installing to different 
drives and many other options not present in the default mode. There are 
several ways to get to advanced mode. 1) quit and launch it using “setup adv” 
2) any time the installer is idle and waiting for user input, press Ctrl+C, a 
windows will prompt to quit, return or switch to/from advanced mode.

With one exception, all of the different install media, actively prevent 
installing to the same drive that the installer is located on.  This is for 
several reasons and probably won’t be changing anytime soon.

The exception is the Floppy Only edition (FD13-x86.zip). You can write its 
images to diskettes and install from those. Or, you can copy all the files 
inside those images to any drive and subdirectory you like. You must preserve 
the directory hierarchy and copy ALL files. But, it can install to a different 
or even the same drive. It contains only BASE packages without sources. 

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