On 5/31/2021 12:24 PM, Ladislav Lacina wrote:
OK, so some API exists. But do you know ANY fullscreen DOS application which properly implements it? You say, OK, you can hook a INT 2Fh in your application. But why the application programmer should hook some interrupts? Imagine that you are creating some spreedshet application or some level editor for your favourite game. User opens a save file dialog, accidentaly writes B:\STUFF.DAT and irritating message occurs.
Why should be the high-level programmer be awere of such low-level stuff?
You can say - hey, but why are you trying to save to B:\ ?
But we want well behaved programs. They sould be as much bullet-proof as possible. I even don't imagine what happens if the keyboard interrupt is trapped and exclusively treated by application.
The DJ mechanism should be optional and turned off by default, IMO.

Well, there is an old saying: When you try and make things fool proof, along comes a better fool...

The fact that DOS reserves the B: drive for a possibly non-existing second floppy drive goes back to the very first version of DOS and is well documented. And as far as changing the default behavior, you could argue the same for a non-existing A: drive these days. Where do you stop?


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