On Sat, 8 Jan 2022, Jerome Shidel wrote:

Hi all,

As everyone knows and the docs clearly state, everything after a REM is ignored.

However, I recently noticed an issue with a batch file that had something like:

REM this thing [[x|4]] or later

in one of its remarks. Every time the batch was executed, it displayed a “4]]” command not found error.

Out of curiosity, I checked under MS-DOS 6.22. It exhibited the same behavior. I have a vague recollection of noticing this decades ago as well.

It is a bug. But, it’s a bug that MS-DOS has as well.
What’s you opinion? Should FreeCOM replicate this “feature” or  fix the bug?

Personally, I think it should be fixed. No one should be using that. If they were, I feel they are technically just exploiting a bug and there is no obligation to continue supporting that “feature.”

I don’t/won’t work on FreeCOM. I’m just curious about your thoughts on this.


I think it's neither a bug nor a feature, but normal operation (daft, but internally consistent).

My own command interpreter (which is buggy AF) does the same thing as MS-DOS 6.22.

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