On Sunday, January 9th, 2022 at 12:51 PM, Tyson Oswald oswa...@charter.net 

> There is supposedly a way to mount the virtual disk on macOS when it is 
> unmounted from the VM but I haven’t been able to get it to work. VB comes 
> with MacFuse for that purpose but have never been able to get it to work. 
> Basically it can’t find the MacFuse library.
> ...

On Linux (I'd think something similar would work on Mac) I create my virtual 
machine with a disk image which is pre-allocated, as Jerome mentioned. This 
creates what is basically a complete hard disk image, albeit with a header of 
some size (2 MiB, I think? Not sure off the top of my head.) slapped on the 
front. You can then use a Linux loopback device to mount this and write to it 
directly as you would with any other drive when your VM is not running. 
Granted, it's been awhile since I've needed to do this,but that's the general 
procedure. For the exact method I used, see the 
 in my Night Kernel repo.

Regarding my workflow, I use the excellent application Sublime Text as my 
editor of choice, then compile under NASM/ Open Watcom in the Linux terminal. 
For applications, I use DOSBox for testing from build-to-build, then a FreeDOS 
VM to test major milestones, however for lower-level code I test both in the VM 
and by booting from a FreeDOS-formatted USB stick on various real machines. As 
far as the files themselves, I use SyncThing to synchronize all my work between 
my machines, and I use the GitKraken frontend for uploading to GitHub.

Hope this helps! :)
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