I've been working on this for my own project, and it's only useful for the rare CGA or Tandy users out there (which is probably why MS-DOS 6 relegated it to the Supplemental disk and PC DOS 6 removed it).

GRAFTABL hooks INT1F to provide the upper half of the charset in graphics mode on a CGA or Tandy. (DISPLAY.SYS does this and more on more modern display adapters.) The current version seems to be incomplete - only supports a single hardwired codepage? - so I figured I'd offer my own, which is my first successful attempt at a TSR that actually does something.

I admit that the font data was taken from a copy of EGA.CPI many years ago (I think it was the one from Win95, and I extracted it back in 2000 when I was reverse-engineering the format). If that's a problem, feel free to replace it with something else, but I used it with the understanding that this kind of font data can't actually be copyrighted; take that as you may. (IANAL) The code should be pretty well organized. The command-line help is also extracted from MS-DOS if that's a problem - feel free to rewrite it, it's UIUC-license (essentially the same as 3-clause BSD).


Just use "nasm -o graftabl.com graftabl.a86" to build it.
Use "nasm -DHELP -o graftabl.com graftabl.a86" to add the command line help.

My implementation is based on RBIL and poking at the binary black-box style.

For some reason I don't understand (me am n00b) the footprint is 144 bytes larger than the MS-DOS 5/6 version, but the binary is smaller.

(My preference for UIUC licensing is, admittedly, a bit strange; originally I preferred BSD but I think UIUC is a little safer against the kind of rules-lawyering that affected PINE. It's basically the BSD license with the first paragraph replaced with that of the MIT/X11 license. Again - IANAL, I just don't really care what others do as long as they don't claim they wrote it.)

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