On Fri, 28 Oct 2022 at 19:29, Robert Riebisch <r...@bttr-software.de> wrote:
> Did Microsoft make Virtual PC 2004 and 2007 or was it Connectix?
> What does the sticker on the box say? Microsoft or Connectix? :-p

OK, conceded.

> Just to add: Virtual PC 2004 SP1 and Virtual PC 2007) were/are available
> as a free download from Microsoft, but didn't/doesn't include any DOS
> version.

That's true.

I suspect that the thinking was that if you're running on a PC, then
you already have a PC OS, by definition. This is not true of Mac
users, obviously.

I extracted the PC DOS 2000 image from Mac VirtualPC, converted it to
VBox format, and blogged about it. It's here:

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