
On Tue, Oct 25, 2022 at 10:27 PM Bret Johnson <bretj...@juno.com> wrote:
> > Although I never truly needed to know what VM
> One of the main things that started me down this rabbit trail was the need to 
> know which Ethernet card is being virtualized in a particular VM so I can 
> load the correct packet driver.  I have a single ETHERNET.BAT file I run to 
> install the packet driver, and since detecting which network card is 
> installed is a tricky proposition I do it indirectly by detecting the VM (or 
> lack of VM if I'm running on real hardware).

I can't remember exactly (would have to check), but I think I just

> >> DOSBox
> >
> > "Only for games". (Maxes out at 64 MB RAM, meh. "Slow Pentium" is
> > best it can emulate, IIRC.)
> No, it can run "real" applications also.  But you're correct that its primary 
> focus is compatibility with games.

You mean via IMGBOOT or whatever? But that hides the whole guest
filesystem aspect. It's still quite limited.

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