On 11/2/23 03:28, Danilo Pecher via Freedos-devel wrote:
Sorry, Tom, but this reply is, to use a technical term, pretty shit.
We're talking about FreeDOS, a system that by design was created for
hardware that would lose to our phones these days. If you 'only want
to support 386+' then you can just as well install Dosbox. Either
FreeDOS has the ambition to be what it says on the tin - a Freeware
DOS replacement - in which case it should support all hardware that
the original MS-DOS supported, including pre-386 hardware, or you can
just as well bin the original premise. All in all I think your reply
needlessly confrontational.

You should read again what he said. A 286 running a DOS doesn't need "maintained drivers". If fdxms286 works on a 286, there is no reason it's not going to work or in a lesser way now. DOS is not Linux/BSD.

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