On Fri, May 10, 2024 at 11:01 AM Steve Nickolas via Freedos-devel
<freedos-devel@lists.sourceforge.net> wrote:
> I'm 44 and surmise that I am one of the *younger* regulars on the list, so
> is it really any surprise things are a bit old-fashioned around here?
> (Some of the other old-times probably know what an ignorant little n00blet
> I was when I first showed up here in the late 1990s.)

I don't know if you're the youngest on the list, but definitely not
the youngest person to use FreeDOS.

We get a fair number of new FreeDOS users who are at university - so
that's probably 18 years old? I get a lot of these emails, probably
because my email is everywhere (trademark statement, etc). I suspect
these new users discover FreeDOS as part of a computer science course
or an IT/MIS course. That would make sense, because DOS is a simple
operating system that makes it very easy to walk through "how
computers work" : boot the kernel, which reads CONFIG.SYS, start the
command shell, which reads AUTOEXEC.BAT, and you're ready to enter

That's why when I updated the website last year, I made such an effort
to do several rounds of design .. usability test .. update ..
usability test .. update. The goal was to answer most questions via
the website, without emailing me. My inbox gets less of these
questions now, so I guess it's working. :-)

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